“We use WeThrive to ‘take the temperature of the team’ and uncover underlying staff issues that may affect performance. This new information enables us to design appropriate interventions to get things back on track much more quickly.”
Janine Osmond, Head of Learning & Development, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
“WeThrive provided an open forum for individuals to provide honest feedback and allowed me to discuss the results with them and understand how we can do better as a company to improve the engagement and overall welfare of all employees.”
Neil Harvey, Creative Director, Groupbrand.
“I’m looking forward to acting on the learnings and can’t wait to see the benefits to our business. It’s early days in utilising WeThrive in our design business, but so far I can’t help but be impressed by new insights we have about our team.”
Adrian Caroen, CEO, Seymourpowell ltd.
“As a CEO I want a team that is happy, knows what it is doing and is motivated to do its work. It is always a challenge to pinpoint what is undermining the individuals in the team. WeThrive is a breath of fresh air – it gives accurate, swift analysis of individual engagement, motivation and happiness, and shows how each person fits into the team and, crucially, is served by their manager. It’s easy to use and the reports give individuals and managers a firm basis for constructive and meaningful reviews. I think this is extraordinary software, and if used correctly rapidly becomes an indispensable tool for any health-related business.”
Charles Highett, CEO Alliance Medical
“Too often, leaders and managers have fairly scant information on which to work with their team and develop actionable objectives. WeThrive acts as a shot of adrenaline to the relationship between employee and employer. It adds depth and dimension to insights into the employee’s position that accelerates performance because it accelerates how the relationship can progress.”
Si Conroy, CEO & Founder, Scarlet Monday.
“It is rare to get something this valuable for free! The trial took a couple of minutes to setup and the results were incredibly insightful. Highly recommended.”
Nicky Binning, MD, Lovelocaljobs.com
“The dashboard is brilliant. It’s EXACTLY what I wanted to know at a glance! Love it. Really nice and clear.”
Alex Cowell, MD Cubeworks
“The survey results were enlightening. I had been prevaricating for too long on several issues that were preventing the business from moving forward as quickly as I wanted. The dashboard gave me clarity and recommendations in several areas, which I had not been able to unpick myself. I have now implemented the changes and have not looked back since!”
John Sellers, MD Aesthetic Professionals
“We wanted to support our managers in developing and retaining our most valuable asset, our people. WeThrive has not only enabled managers to have more meaningful conversations with their staff but the software has also provided insights at team and company level. These insights have empowered the business to make changes at both the macro and the micro level to ensure we reach our business goals with a motivated and engaged workforce.”
Stuart Dawson, CEO, pure360
“This is HR gold! WeThrive has given me a fantastic insight into my teams with really clear and easy to follow stats and graphics. It has made performance reviews so much more targeted. Highly recommended!”
Barney Dines, Sales Director, VW Heritage
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